A “campership” is a grant given to a youth member to help with the expenses of attending a summer camp.
Garden State Council Camperships exist to help provide life-changing camping experiences for Scouts who, because of financial challenges, may not otherwise be able to attend a summer camp opportunity.
Summer outdoor adventure changes lives through recreation, friendship and experiences; summer camp cultivates skills and values needed for success in the future.
Scouts who face financial challenges have attended camps in the past due to the support of the campership program. This is due to the generosity of Scouting alumni, community individuals and organizations, as well as, grants organized and allocated by the Garden State Council.
Therefore, the funds available in the campership program are limited. Aid can only be awarded if funds are available. Camperships are awarded based on need, so parents and unit leaders involved in completing an application are encouraged to clearly detail the need.
A Scout is Thrifty: A Scout works to pay his/her own way and help others. Camperships are not to exceed 50% of the fee.
This policy is made in consultation with and approved by the Council’s VP of Program, the Council Camping Chair and the Chair of the Campership Committee. All decisions are made by the volunteer Campership Committee.
The Campership Application window for 2024 will open soon.

Camp Physicals for Less
Garden State Council has entered into an agreement with AtlantiCare to save Scouting families money when they visit an AtlantiCare Urgent Care Center for their camp physical. Click the AtlantiCare logo to download the flyer for details and locations.
Garden State Council also offers Scouting families fundraising opportunities to help balance the financial costs of Scouting. Each District Executive can provide more details.

Trails End Popcorn Sales
Funding your Scouting adventure through popcorn sales is easier -- and safer -- than ever with new online tools from Trails Ends. Plus, Online Direct sales of popcorn run all year round! Find out more at Trails-End.com.

Camp Card Sales
Funding your Scouting adventure through camp card sales is a limited-time opportunity. Each year from March through May, Scouts sell $5 discount coupon cards, and 50% of the value is credited to the Scout! Units: Contact your District Executive for details.