
A Scout is Reverent

The Boy Scouts of America maintains that no member can grow into the best kind of citizen without recognizing an obligation to God. In the first part of the Scout Oath or Promise the member declares, “On my honor I will do my best to do my duty to God and my country and to obey the Scout Law.” The recognition of God as the ruling and leading power in the universe and the grateful acknowledgment of His favors and blessings are necessary to the best type of citizenship and are wholesome precepts in the education of the growing members. No matter what the religious faith of the members may be, this fundamental need of good citizenship should be kept before them. The Boy Scouts of America, therefore, recognizes the religious element in the training of the member, but it is absolutely nonsectarian in its attitude toward that religious training. Its policy is that the home and the organization or group with which the member is connected shall give definite attention to religious life.

Scouting’s Anniversary

Scout Jumu’ah, Scout Shabbat, Scout Sunday

The BSA designates the weekend that falls before February 8 (Scouting Anniversary Day) as Scouting Anniversary Weekend. This is the primary weekend to recognize the contributions of young people and adults to Scouting.

Muslims observe Scout Jumu’ah from Thursday at sundown until Friday at sundown. Jews observe Scout Shabbat from Friday at sundown until Saturday at sundown. Others observe Scout Sunday on Sunday.

Even so, each chartered organization can use either of two other options to celebrate this special weekend. An organization can adopt a specific date to celebrate. For example, the United Methodist Church celebrates Scout Sunday on the second Sunday in February. It is always permissible for a local faith organization to celebrate on the date most acceptable to the faith leader and faith group.

On these important days, which are timed to fall near the February 8 anniversary of the BSA, Scouts give back in visible and meaningful ways. In some units, that means simply wearing the full field uniform to worship services, where the worship leader presents religious emblems and awards to Scouts and Scouters respectively. In others, the Pack, Troop, Crew, or Ship conducts a service project that benefits the religious organization.

Religious Emblem Coordinator Resources

The following documents are used in the Religious Emblem Coordinator and Councilor Training and are made available here for when that training is conducted online.

Upcoming Faith-Based Events

Garden State Council’s Religious Relationships Committee plans events throughout the calendar year to support the needs of our Council’s diverse faith traditions. Click each event for more details. To contact the Religious Relationships Committee, please email religious-events at gardenstatescouting.org.

Duty to God Founders Award

Garden State Council Youth and Adult Award Requirements

Youth Award: Annual award meeting the following criteria:

  1. Available to any Garden State Council youth (under the age of 18 as of January 1, 2023) who has earned the Eagle Scout Award or the Venturing Summit Award.
  2. Must demonstrate outstanding service to all.
  3. Must demonstrate the principle of Duty to God in their everyday actions. ** Must have earned the religious emblem for their faith.
  4. Youth may be nominated or may file application on behalf of themselves.

Adult Award: Annual award meeting the following criteria:

  1. Available to any Garden State Council Scouter eighteen and above.
  2. Must demonstrate outstanding service to all.
  3. Must demonstrate the principle of Duty to God in their everyday actions. ** Must have earned the religious emblem for their faith as a youth or have received the Scouting National Adult Religious Emblem for their Faith.
  4. Adult may be nominated or may file application on behalf of themselves.

Please fill out the application and e-mail to the attention of Joe Blazejewski at joseph.blazejewski@scouting.org or mail it to the Council office:

Garden State Council, BSA
693 Rancocas Rd., Westampton, NJ 08060