Adventure Among the Pines
The Pine Barrens is a special ecosystem in our back yard. There are things that grow and live only here. Explore New Jersey’s Pine Barrens while on a high adventure trek and participate in Environmental Science, Sustainability, Forestry, and Soil and Water Conservation Merit Badges.
Test your Scout skills while Hiking, Cycling, and Canoeing through one of the country’s most unique habitats — and earn your 50 Miler Program Award!
Attend provisionally or with your Troop.
August 11-17, 2024, at Pine Tree Education and Environmental Center.
We offer 3 different guided Treks:
Hike-Bike-Canoe Trek
The trifecta of our Trek Program. Hike, Bike, and Canoe through the New Jersey Pine Barrens of Wharton State Forest. Two days on the “trail” includes biking in and out of base camp at Pine Tree EEC, connecting with sections of the Batona Trail, locally knows as the “Back to Nature Trail”. Canoeing from Quaker Bridge to Batsto Lake. Overnight camping at Lower Forge and Buttonwood Hill. Points of interest along the trail include Apple Pie Hill, Batsto Village, Atsion Lake. 50+ miles in total.
Canoe-Bike Trek
Two days on the trail Canoeing from Camp to the Sea. Canoe from launch points near Pine Tree EEC along eastern-flowing rivers and end up in The Great Bay. Overnight camping at Buttonwood Hill and Bass River State Park. 50+ miles in total
Hiking Trek
Four Days on the trail hiking through the northern section of the Wharton State Forest. Local points of interest include the Carranza Memorial, Batona Trail, High Crossing, Apple Pie Hill, and Pine Crest. 50+ miles in total.
All treks are part of a week-long resident camp experience.
Merit Badges earned: Forestry, Soil and Water Conservation and Environmental Science, Mammal Study and Nature.
Cost: $425 per Scout participant / $100 per adult leader
Sign up as a crew of 6 to 10 scouts and 2 adults , you can guarantee the trek of your choice!
Gear We Provide:
- Bikes and Helmets
- Canoes, Paddles, and PFDs
- Guides and Maps
- Food
- Conservation Project Tools/Supplies
- Merit Badge Counselors
Gear Scouts Provide:
- ALL personal camping gear, including tents, sleeping bags and pads, and backpacking stoves with fuel. NOTE: Be sure you can carry your gear yourself while out on the treks!
- Clothes for the weather
- Closed-toed shoes are REQUIRED.