About James E. West
James E. West was appointed to the position of Chief Scout Executive in 1910 by the founding leadership of Scouting in America. West worked with Sir Robert Baden-Powell, Daniel Carter Beard, Ernest T. Seton, and many interested community leaders to give direction to the infant program of Boy Scouts of America. On January 2, 1911, West and others formed the National Council, B.S.A. During that year the Scout Oath, Law, badges and fundamental policies were established. Under his leadership over the next 33 years, Scouting grew and matured into the program we recognize and enjoy today.
The Fellowship Award
The James E. West Fellowship Award is a recognition authorized by the National Council, B.S.A. and presented by the Garden State Council for individuals and chartered units who contribute $1,000 or more in cash or securities to the Garden State Council James E. West Fellowship fund. This contribution is in addition to, and should not diminish or replace, the donor’s annual gift to the Garden State Council Friends of Scouting Campaign.
Organizations or individuals may contribute an award in honor of someone — an Eagle Scout, a Silver Beaver recipient, Council, District or unit Scouter, or in memory of a departed loved one. There can be no finer honor paid to a Scouter than to be named a James E. West Fellow, indicating that the nominee is in the same spirit and dedication to Scouting as was James E. West. Those who are recognized by the James E. West Fellowship Award will cast their own “lengthened shadow” as they help ensure the Scouting legacy by helping create the financial stability needed to carry Scouting in the next century.
Award Levels
As with many awards in Scouting, the James E. West Fellowship Award features tiered levels. A minimum gift of $1,000 in cash or marketable securities qualifies for the Bronze level membership. Donors will receive the bronze medallion pin, and if a Scouter, the James E. West Knot to wear on their field uniform. Donors may make cumulative gifts to reach Silver, Gold, and Diamond member levels. For example, 5 years of giving at the Bronze level would qualify for Silver level membership. Many individuals and corporations make these gifts either on behalf of someone else or in memory of a special individual.




The Next Step
Take the next step and order your James E. West Fellowship award using our convenient online platform. If you prefer to speak with someone directly, you are welcome to contact us at 690specialevents@scouting.org